JavaScript String Methods

Here are some commonly used string methods in javascript:

1. `length`: returns the length of a string.

const message = 'hello, world!';
console.log(message.length); // output: 13

2. `tolowercase()`, `touppercase()`: converts the string to lowercase or uppercase.

const message = 'hello, world!';
console.log(message.tolowercase()); // output: 'hello, world!'
console.log(message.touppercase()); // output: 'hello, world!'

3. `trim()`: removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string.

const message = ' hello, world! ';
Console.log(message.trim()); // output: 'hello, world!'

4. `split(separator)`: splits a string into an array of substrings based on a specified separator.

const message = 'hello, world!';
console.log(message.split(' ')); // output: ['hello,', 'world!']

5. `substring(startindex, endindex)`: extracts a portion of a string between the specified indices.

const message = 'hello, world!';
console.log(message.substring(0, 5)); // output: 'hello'
console.log(message.substring(7)); // output: 'world!'

6. `indexof(searchvalue)`, `lastindexof(searchvalue)`: finds the index of the first or last occurrence of a substring within the string.

const message = 'hello, world!';
console.log(message.indexof('o')); // output: 4
console.log(message.lastindexof('o')); // output: 8

7. `replace(searchvalue, replacement)`: replaces occurrences of a substring with another substring.

const message = 'hello, world!';
console.log(message.replace('world', 'universe')); // output: 'hello, universe!'

8. `charat(index)`, `charcodeat(index)`: returns the character or unicode value at a specified index.

const message = 'hello, world!';
console.log(message.charat(4)); // output: 'o'
console.log(message.charcodeat(4)); // output: 111

9. `startswith(searchvalue)`, `endswith(searchvalue)`: checks if a string starts or ends with a specified substring.

const message = 'hello, world!';
console.log(message.startswith('hello')); // output: true
console.log(message.endswith('world')); // output: false

10. `includes(searchvalue)`: checks if a string contains a specified substring.

const message = 'hello, world!';
console.log(message.includes('world')); // output: true

11. `slice(startindex, endindex)`: extracts a section of a string between the specified indices.

const message = 'hello, world!';
console.log(message.slice(7, 12)); // output: 'world'

12. `concat(str1, str2, ..., strn)`: concatenates multiple strings.

const str1 = 'hello, ';
const str2 = 'world!';
console.log(str1.concat(str2)); // output: 'hello, world!'

These are just a few examples of the many string methods available in javascript. They allow you to manipulate, search, extract, and transform strings according to your needs.

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Silan Software is one of the India's leading provider of offline & online training for Java, Python, AI (Machine Learning, Deep Learning), Data Science, Software Development & many more emerging Technologies.

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