HTML Favicon

A favicon (short for "favorite icon") is a small, square icon that represents a website or webpage. Favicon images are typically displayed in the browser's address bar, bookmarks, tabs, and other UI elements. To add a favicon to your HTML page, follow these steps:

1. Create or find a suitable favicon image. Favicon images are typically in the .ico file format, although some modern browsers also support other formats such as .png.

2. Place the favicon image file in the root directory of your website or in a specific folder.

3. Add the following `<link>` element within the `<head>` section of your HTML document:

<link rel="icon" href="path/to/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">

Replace "path/to/favicon.ico" with the path to your favicon image file. If your favicon image is in a different format (e.g., .png), you can adjust the `type` attribute accordingly.

Example for a favicon named "favicon.ico" placed in the root directory:

<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">

Example for a favicon named "favicon.png" placed in a folder named "images":

<link rel="icon" href="images/favicon.png" type="image/png">

4. Save your HTML file and upload it to your web server.

Once you've added the favicon, it should be displayed by the browser in the appropriate UI elements. Note that favicon support can vary across different browsers and platforms, and it may take some time for the updated favicon to be cached and displayed consistently for your website visitors.

It's recommended to create a favicon image in multiple sizes to ensure compatibility with different devices and display resolutions. You can use online favicon generators or specialized image editing tools to generate favicon images in various sizes.

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Silan Software is one of the India's leading provider of offline & online training for Java, Python, AI (Machine Learning, Deep Learning), Data Science, Software Development & many more emerging Technologies.

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